A full MOT package for your tennis
The tools you need to improve your game
20 x fundamental elements of each of the 6 key stokes
80 x example tennis videos to help you visualise each element
6 x video capture guides with 2 to 6 camera angles
7 x evaluation forms used by professional coaches
JMT Academy certificate on completion
Course Content
Jonathan Markson Tennis Online
Welcome to the JMT Academy
How we learn
JMT Online - How we learn
How we learn and get better
Video capture
JMT Online - Video Capture
Guide to capturing your shots on video
Video Capture Guide - Download - How to capture great video of your shots
Video Angle Guide - Download - Achieve the best camera angles
Fundamentals - Introduction
JMT Online - Introduction to the fundamentals elements of tennis
The 6 key strokes in tennis
Definitions: Tennis Vocabulary
Definitions: Tennis Racquet
Definitions: Tennis Court
Fundamentals - Serve
Introducing The Serve
The Serve - Technical - A0 - Grip For Serving
The Serve - Technical - A1 - Starting Position
The Serve - Technical - A2 - Stance Position
The Serve - Technical - A3 - Take Back
The Serve - Technical - A4 - The Ball Toss
The Serve - Technical - A5 - Rhythm and Momentum
The Serve - Technical - A6 - Arm Extension
The Serve - Technical - A7 - Body Alignment
The Serve - Technical - A8 - Bending & Extending the Legs
The Serve - Technical - A9 - The various serve effects (SLICE/FLAT/SPIN)
The Serve - You are half-way. Time to reflect and then move forward
The Serve - Movement - B0 - Back Foot Forward
The Serve - Movement - B1 - Hip Movement
The Serve - Movement - B2 - Leg Landing Position
The Serve - Movement - B3 - Preparing a playing pattern from the serve and 1st shot
The Serve - Movement - B4 - Preparing a pattern from the serve and 2 shots
The Serve - Movement - B5 - Spine Flexibility
The Serve - Movement - B6 - Toes Up
The Serve - Movement - B7 - Shoulder line above hip line
The Serve - Movement - B8 - Elbow Throwing Action
The Serve - Movement - B9 - Shoulder Rotation
The Serve - Analysis & Consultation
The Serve - Evaluation Form
Fundamentals - Smash
Introduction to the smash
The Smash - Technical - A10 - Preparing The Take Back
The Smash - Technical - A11 - Positioning under the ball
The Smash - Technical - A12 - Pointing at the ball
The Smash - Technical - A13 - Upper Body Orientation
The Smash - Technical - A14 - The Grip
The Smash - Technical - A15 - Familiarisation with the playing environment
The Smash - Technical - A16 - Using Various Effects (SLICE/ FLAT/ SPIN)
The Smash - Technical - A17 - Using Slice
The Smash - Technical - A18 - Using Flat
The Smash - Technical - A19 - Using Top Spin
The Smash - You are half-way. Time to reflect and then move forward
The Smash - Movement - B10 - Moving Sideways
The Smash - Movement - B11 - How to run backwards
The Smash - Movement - B12 - Pushing from the back leg
The Smash - Movement - B13 - Looking at the ball
The Smash - Movement - B14 - Positioning underneath the ball
The Smash - Movement - B15 - Player position behind the ball
The Smash - Movement - B16 - Get around the ball
The Smash - Movement - B17 - The Vertical Jump
The Smash - Movement - B18 - The importance of coordinating the upper and lower body actions
The Smash - Movement - B19 - Developing Power
The Smash - Analysis & Consultation
The Smash - Evaluation Form
Fundamentals - Return
Introduction to the return
The Return - Technical - A20 - Reading the ball
The Return - Technical - A21 - Movement & reaction
The Return - Technical - A22 - Use & interact with the ground
The Return - Technical - A23 - Be Light, bounce up
The Return - Technical - A24 - Coordination upper-lower body
The Return - Technical - A25 - Shortening the take-back
The Return - Technical - A26 - Elbow extension in the follow-through
The Return - Technical - A27 - Strings on the ball
The Return - Technical - A28 - Blocking the return
The Return - Technical - A29 - Aggressive attitude
The Return - You are half-way. Time to reflect and then move forward
The Return - Movement - B20 - Diving into space
The Return - Movement - B21 - Reading the ball trajectory
The Return - Movement - B22 - Shortening the take-back | Blocking the return
The Return - Movement - B23 - Choose a grip while waiting for the serve
The Return - Movement - B24 - Creating the motion and the rythym
The Return - Movement - B25 - Be proactive | Make a choice
The Return - Movement - B26 - Reading the opponent's 'Tells'
The Return - Movement - B27 - Aim for a big zone | Safe and secure
The Return - Movement - B28 - Low on the legs
The Return - Movement - B29 - Chip 'n' Charge return
The Return - Analysis
The Return - Evaluation Form
Fundamentals - Forehand
Introduction to the forehand
The Forehand - Technical - A30 - Grip Tune Up
The Forehand - Technical - A31 - Best ready position
The Forehand - Technical - A32 - Feet position (stance)
The Forehand - Technical - A33 - Take-back & shoulder rotation
The Forehand - Technical - A34 - Upper body rotation
The Forehand - Technical - A35 - Impact point for the best ball strike
The Forehand - Technical - A36 - Rhythm (Take-back & Impact)
The Forehand - Technical - A37 - Elbow Extension
The Forehand - Technical - A38 - HIP EXTENSION AFTER CONTACT
The Forehand - Technical - A39 - HIP ROTATION
The Forehand - You are half-way. Time to reflect and then move forward
The Forehand - Movement - B30 - Split step into action
The Forehand - Movement - B31 - 1st step reaction
The Forehand - Movement - B32 - 1st step & move
The Forehand - Movement - B33 - Open Stance
The Forehand - Movement - B34 - Sideways stance
The Forehand - Movement - B35 - Semi-open stance
The Forehand - Movement - B36 - Moving away from the ball
The Forehand - Movement - B37 - Moving towards the ball
The Forehand - Movement - B38 - AROUND THE BALL
The Forehand - Movement - B39 - PIVOT ACTION
The Forehand - Analysis
The Forehand - Evaluation Form
Fundamentals - Backhand
Introduction to the backhand
The Backhand - Technical - A40 - Grip Tune Up
The Backhand - Technical - A41 - Best ready position
The Backhand - Technical - A42 - Footwork and stance
The Backhand - Technical - A43 - Take-back, single or double handed take-back
The Backhand - Technical - A44 - Upper body rotation and shoulder
The Backhand - Technical - A45 - Impact Point
The Backhand - Technical - A46 - Rhythym (Take-back & Impact)
The Backhand - Technical - A47 - Elbow extension
The Backhand - Technical - A48 - Link with the upper body - hip extension after contact
The Backhand - Technical - A49 - Follow Through
The Backhand - You are half-way. Time to reflect and then move forward
The Backhand - Movement - B40 - Getting ready
The Backhand - Movement - B41 - 1st step foundation
The Backhand - Movement - B42 - 1st step and move
The Backhand - Movement - B43 - Open stance and the wide ball
The Backhand - Movement - B44 - Sideways stance on the central ball
The Backhand - Movement - B45 - Semi-open stance versatility in movement
The Backhand - Movement - B47 - Moving towards the ball
The Backhand - Movement - B48 - Moving around the ball
The Backhand - Movement - B49 - Weight Transfer
The Backhand - Analysis
The Backhand - Evaluation Form
Fundamentals - Volley
Introduction to The Volley
The Volley - Technical - A50 - Forehand volley grip
The Volley - Technical - A51 - Backhand volley grip
The Volley - Technical - A52 - Ready position
The Volley - Technical - A53 - Legs bent and ready
The Volley - Technical - A54 - Solid contact point
The Volley - Technical - A55 - High to low impact
The Volley - Technical - A56 - Low to High Impact
The Volley - Technical - A57 - Legs in action
The Volley - Technical - A58 - Squeezing the grip
The Volley - Technical - A59 - Elbow extension during impact
The Volley - You are half-way. Time to reflect and then move forward
The Volley - Movement - B50 - Position at the net when coming from the baseline
The Volley - Movement - B51 - When to split step
The Volley - Movement - B52 - Outside leg pushing action
The Volley - Movement - B53 - Body balance & weight transfer
The Volley - Movement - B54 - Being fast
The Volley - Movement - B55 - Anticipating the next shot
The Volley - Movement - B56 - Lateral movement - shuffle steps
The Volley - Movement - B57 - Forward movement - fast run
The Volley - Movement - B58 - Sideways movement - adjustment
The Volley - Movement - B59 - Lower body position
The Volley - Analysis
The Volley - Evaluation Form
Next Steps
JMT Online - The Finish Line!